IMPORTANT: You’re About To Discover A Truly Revolutionary, Life-Changing Technology...

A 100% Guaranteed System That Will Shock You As It
Transforms Your Life Completely!

From the desk of: Greg Frost
Date: 22 Oct 2024

Dear Friend,

Did you know that despite Man’s advancement in technology, we have yet to scratch the surface of the world’s greatest wonder?

I’m talking about the human mind.

While it is capable of many amazing feats that set us apart from other species in this world, we’re only still using a mere 5% of the mind’s potential.

There is still a massive amount of untapped potential that we have yet to access, but try as we might, it just seems so far out of our reach.

Until now.

If you’ve always had the desire to achieve the impossible, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

Are you looking to attain personal success but can’t seem to get out of a rut?

Do you want to be rich but can’t seem to focus on your wealth building plan?

Ever craved to be more popular but can’t seem to get past your insecurities?

Wish you could be healthier, younger, and more vibrant, but can’t seem to stop being sickly all the time?

Chances are, you’ve probably answered yes to either one or all of the above.

If that’s the case, then I’ve got great news for you.

You’re about to be introduced to the premier solution to all of life’s major problems.

Now, for those of you who have the habit of coming to the wrong conclusions, let me just clear the air before we begin:

I’m not going to teach you how to access the deepest recesses of your mind using hypnosis.

I’m not going to reveal to you some hundred-year old metaphysical/existential “Law” that probably won’t apply to today’s modern living.

I’m talking about a scientifically proven method that actually “reprograms” your mind into a state more conducive to whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish.

That’s right, I’m about to show you how you can alter your state of mind so that you’ll achieve everything you’ve ever desired.

I don’t blame you if you’re reading this and thinking:

Allow me to explain.

Everything you do in life is dependent on how well your mind functions.

Have you ever noticed how you can never get any work done when you feel “addle-brained” or distracted?

Recall the last time you didn’t get a good night’s rest; how alert were you throughout the day?

Have you ever experienced difficulty trying to learn a new language, or pick up a new skill?

All the above is highly dependent on the brainwaves generated by the “building blocks” of your brain.

These “building blocks”, or more specifically the individual cells of your brain, are called neurons, and these neurons communicate with one another through electrical changes.

These electrical changes manifest themselves in the form of brainwaves that can be seen in an electroencephalogram, or EEG.

Brainwaves are measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz), and they represent the frequency of the brain’s activity.

Every state of mind has a different brainwave frequency, and the problem that most people have is that they lack the ability to tap into the exact brainwave frequency necessary to achieve a specific state of mind.

Researchers in the 1930s have identified the different types of brainwaves, and they are as follows:

Delta Waves: > 4 hz. Occur during sleep

Theta Waves: 4 – 7 hz. Associated with sleep, deep relaxation, and visualization

Alpha Waves: 8 – 13 hz. Occur when relaxed and calm

Beta Waves: 13 – 38 hz. Occur during active thinking, problem solving, etc.

Since then, other types of brainwaves have been identified, causing a subdivision within the traditional 4 brainwaves listed above.

These additional brainwaves are:

Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR): Around 14 hz. Originally discovered to prevent seizure activity in cats, and appears to link the brain and the body’s motor functions

Gamma Brainwaves: 39 – 100 hz. Involved in higher mental activities and consolidation of information

Interesting Fact: Advanced Tibetan meditators have been shown to produce higher levels of gamma brainwaves compared to non-meditators both before and after meditation.

Think about the last time you felt tired and lethargic.

What was your first instinct?

If you’re like most people I know, you probably reached for that cup of coffee – probably an espresso – or some other caffeinated beverage to give yourself that caffeine jolt so you’ll feel more alert.

Or how about when you needed to concentrate on your work?

Maybe you had to write a long essay for school, or a detailed year-end report for work, but for some reason you were just unable to focus on the task at hand and found it hard for the words and ideas to come to you.

Or maybe you’ve tried to relax after a long week, but you just can’t seem to shake off the stress you’ve had to face.

Perhaps you’ve even had trouble sleeping every night and you wake up tired and cranky and just can’t seem to look forward to a brand new day. What if I told you that...

Normally most experts would recommend binaural beats to alter your brainwave frequencies to achieve the desired state of mind.

What are binaural beats, you ask?

Binaural beats are two tones of differing frequencies mixed together to form an altogether different frequency that alters one’s brainwaves into whatever state of mind the frequency was set to.

And yes, I am inclined to agree that binaural beats can benefit you, as they put your mind into a state conducive for learning or relaxing or whatever it is that you desire to accomplish.

But allow me to introduce to you a technology that’s more advanced than mere binaural beats.

The technology I’m about to introduce to you has been around since the 50s, and since then it has come a long way, thanks to years of meticulous research and development aimed to perfect the science behind the technology.

You’re probably reading this and wondering:

The technology I’m talking about is subliminal programming.

Before you can understand the concept of subliminal programming, allow me to explain what the significance of the human mind.

The human brain is a very powerful tool.

However, it has been estimated (by Einstein) that we only use about 5% of our minds consciously.

So, to use more of our brain, we have to learn to use our brain not just consciously, but also at subconscious levels.

It is your subconscious mind that is the real power center of your being.

The subconscious mind serves as our personal computer.

It regulates your heart, plays chemist for your digestive system, and analyzes input from your senses like an ultra sophisticated computer - which it is.

Subliminal is defined as:

“Below the threshold of conscious perception”.

The threshold of consciousness is the dividing line between something can be processed by the conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any processing.

Subliminal programming is a technology that has been around since the 50's.

It involves sending a message direct to the subconscious mind, therefore bypassing the critical conscious mind.

This can be achieved a number of ways, such as whispering quiet suggestions against a music background, or flashing messages at high speed in front of the eyes.

While these suggestions cannot be consciously heard or seen, our subconscious mind will be able to receive and store these suggestions as the human brain is highly susceptible to subconscious messages.

These suggestions when repeated over time on a day-to-day basis with consistency will then be able to influence your attitudes and abilities.

So with the right messages, subliminal programming can be used as a powerful tool to help improve your abilities and change your behavior.

Exposure to the subliminal programming process can be a life changing experience.

No matter what task you've chosen to accomplish, you will feel yourself becoming a more powerful, confident, and dynamic person as this programming process continues.

The following is the breakdown of the exclusive technologies used to create optimal results for you:

Wave Repose Technology (WRT)
To assist in inducing relaxation and proper breathing patterns for maximum acceptance of subliminal messages

Matrix Dimensional Binaural Beats (MDBB)
The latest and newest technology that is much more effective than ordinary binaural or dual binaural beats

Dual Subliminal Scripting
Triggering responses from both hemispheres of your brain for enhanced results.

NLP Optimized Messages
Rigorous testing has been carried out to ensure the powerful and effective affirmations are embedded into the system’s advanced programming

Reverse Messaging
Messages are encoded in reverse manner to circumvent the critical senses of your conscious mind to produce long term positive results

Remember when I asked you about what you tend to do when you feel tired and lethargic?

If you’re one of those people who instinctively reach for that delicious, steaming cup o’ Joe for the caffeine jolt...

Stop destroying your body!

You know caffeine is bad for you because it has harmful side effects; there are plenty of articles and scientific publications that have been written on the dangers of caffeine.

Yet you still can’t resist feeding your body that delicious, albeit harmful espresso that you think you need.

Subliminal programming offers you an all natural solution for practically ANYTHING you can imagine.

Because the mind is responsible for practically every aspect of your physical well-being, it is entirely possible for you to control how you feel by changing your state of mind.


The “Mind Verge” system consists of 12 amazing audios designed to tackle the four essential Pillars of your life; Wealth, Health, Social, and Personal success.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these amazing audios within the 4 different Pillars.


#1: Fill Yourself With Boundless Energy
NLP Subliminal CD

It’s been a long day, but you’re still hours away from knocking off work. You’re worn out, and could use a cup of coffee for that instant energy boost.

But why put your body through the harmful side effects of caffeine when you can have an all natural energy boost without the caffeine crash that comes with that cup of coffee?

This is the healthier, safer way to feeling much more energetic instantly.

“Fill Yourself With Boundless Energy” is specially designed to alter your state of mind and fill you with boundless energy and completely eliminating fatigue and exhaustion within minutes.

You won’t have to worry about feeling tired or lethargic at your most crucial moments.

With “Fill Yourself With Boundless Energy”, you can:

Give yourself the motivation to wake up every morning and look forward to a brand new day

Accomplish more within the 24 hours given to you every single day

Cultivate a balance between work and leisure and handle stress intelligently

Boost your energy levels to the maximum

Eliminate all exhaustion and lethargy

Maintain your energy levels to the fullest despite a busy day

Live the life you’ve always desired

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#2: Power Enthusiasm For Living
NLP Subliminal CD

Let’s be honest... we all have days when we don’t feel like getting out of bed and getting on with our lives.

It could be due to a many number of things. It could be a job that we don’t like. It could be personal issues with people we have to interact with on a daily basis. It could be due to a feeling of lack of self worth, or even depression.

Whatever the case, you don’t have to live a miserable life.

You deserve to live life to the fullest, and in order to do that you need to have a positive outlook on life so you can expect nothing but the best.

“Power Enthusiasm For Living” helps you achieve that by feeding your brain positive, uplifting subliminal messages that literally reprogram your mind so that you can attain an unbeatable enthusiasm for life.

Feel great every day the natural way, without resorting to medications that will have a harmful effect on your physical well-being.

With “Power Enthusiasm For Living”, you can:

Find your purpose in life and get back that zest you had in your youth

Develop the energy and burning desire to do the things you’ve always wanted to do in life

Reorganize your life, eliminate procrastination, and be more focused than you’ve ever been

Share your enthusiasm with everyone around you

Align your mental state of mind with that of achieving success and going all out to achieve it

Improve the relationships with your family and others around you

Attract positive relationships

Maintain a positive and healthy attitude towards life

Really start living again

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#3: Love Yourself
NLP Subliminal CD

You may have the ambition to achieve the very best for yourself, but you may lack the self confidence that is crucial to the achievement of your ambitions and dreams.

You blame yourself for every failed attempt to make all of your dreams come true.

You may even feel that you don’t deserve to achieve all your lofty dreams, that they will never become a reality for you.

If you’ve ever felt that way at any point in your life, stop.

You deserve better; you can bring tremendous, positive change into your life, and you can make all your dreams a reality.

All you need is a boost of self confidence.

The “Love Yourself” audio will grant you this amazing self confidence by filtering into your mind positive and uplifting subliminal messages designed to take your self confidence to new heights.

With “Love Yourself”, you can:

Allow yourself to love everything about you, including your mind, body, spirit, past, present, and future

Subliminally boost your confidence and self-awareness of yourself

Eliminate low self-esteem

Build up strong resistance against inflicting self harm

Become a more centered and balanced human being

Maintain a positive and healthy attitude towards life

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.



#4: Attracting Prosperity & Success
NLP Subliminal CD

Are you unhappy with your finances?

Do you find yourself struggling with paying your bills, or even buying the basic, everyday necessities?

Or maybe you have enough just to get by, but you still can’t afford that big screen television you’ve had your eye on for months.

Don’t feel ashamed about it; believe it or not this problem isn’t uncommon. Nearly 85% of families out there are struggling with their finances and trying to live the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of.

You don’t have to live your life that way either, because with “Attracting Prosperity & Success”, you’ll attune your mind to become more receptive to attracting wealth and success into your life.

You’ll be amazed by how easily you’ll be able to eliminate your money woes once you’ve allowed the incredible subliminal messages within this audio to reprogram your mind.

With “Attracting Prosperity & Success”, you can:

Create a “business aura” to attract opportunities from business-minded individuals to do business with you

Subliminally boost your Self-Confidence and increase other people’s desire to work with you

Accelerate your mental preparedness for social gatherings and functions

Attract positive relationships

Align your mental state of mind with that of achieving success and going all out to achieve it

Start taking action on your business ideas instead of holding back

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#5: Power Of Insight & Vision
NLP Subliminal CD

Ever wondered how success comes so easily for some people?

Everyone around you seems to be enjoying some form of success in their lives, but for some reason you seem to be left out in the cold.

No matter how hard you’ve worked, no matter how long you’ve struggled, you still can’t seem to catch a break.

You’ve probably wondered, “What do I have that they don’t?”

The answer? Insight.

Unless you’re an exceptional genius, chances are you weren’t born with the power of insight and the vision for success.

These traits do not typically manifest themselves automatically, often they are nurtured and cultivated over the years.

Success is second nature to people with these traits because they have the ability, the insight, to accurately predict any outcome and make the best decisions where business and the quality of their lives are concerned.

Now you too can make success second nature, with “Power Of Insight & Vision”.

The subliminal messages embedded within this audio are designed to unlock your mind’s instinct for success, and help you develop a winning mindset that will absolutely transform your life.

With “Power Of Insight & Vision”, you can:

Subliminally program yourself into a peak state of motivation

Improve your intuition, insight, and vision

Better understand thoughts, actions, behavior, and motives of others

Understand the relationships that help solve or shed light on problems

Be able to discern and penetrate the true nature of each situation

Align your mental state of mind with that of developing your insight and vision and going all out to achieve it

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#6: Develop Your Millionaire Mind
NLP Subliminal CD

Everyone has dreams about being incredibly, unimaginably wealthy.

You’ve probably fantasized about what you’d do if you were a millionaire.

But according to most people, it takes hard work and a whole lot of luck to become a millionaire.

Ever noticed that these people are usually the ones who are NOT millionaires in the first place?

The problem with people who aren’t millionaires is the fact that they’re stuck in a negative mindset that keeps them from breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s entirely possible to become a millionaire; all it takes is the development of the millionaire mind.

“Develop Your Millionaire Mind” is designed to unleash your mind’s innate ability to identify money-making opportunities at every turn, and help you live the millionaire’s life you’ve always dreamed of.

The subliminal messages encoded within this audio will transform you into a non-stop million dollar cash machine.

With “Develop Your Millionaire Mind”, you can:

Achieve peak state of mind to achieve anything you set your mind on

Grow and develop your business into a cash cow

Unleash your full potential by working more effectively

Align your mental state of mind with that of achieving success and going all out to achieve it

Eliminate habits that are detrimental to earning big bucks

Adopt patterns of active planning and execution

Create an efficient time-saving mindset to work less and earn more

Laser focus your mind and spot major business trends and opportunities before competitors

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.


#7: Attracting & Radiating Love
NLP Subliminal CD

Humans, as emotionally-conscious beings, require love as part of their development. In order for us to achieve self-actualization we require that we love and be loved in return.

But not all of us are born with the ability to attract and radiate love to transcend into a state of self-actualization and fulfillment.

For most of us, this ability is nurtured and cultivated over the years, but for some people, they lack even this ability.

And this can be attributed to the subconscious mind and our thought processes. Most often we end up sabotaging ourselves, especially after having suffered a blow to our confidence after a failed relationship.

Once we begin to question ourselves and allow a negative mentality to creep in, our subconscious makes our insecurities a reality. If we believe that we failed to maintain our relationships because we do not deserve to be loved, then our subconscious makes it real, because our subconscious attracts what we wholeheartedly believe.

However, despite what you might believe, everyone deserves to love, and be loved.

Which is why “Attracting & Radiating Love” was created, to shift your subconscious mind toward attracting and radiating love into your life.

With “Attracting & Radiating Love”, you can:

Create a “healthy love aura” to enhance your projected self-image

Subliminally boost your self-confidence and increase your desirability to others

Create positive relationships with others

Start living a happy love life

Show love to your close ones readily

Find the special someone that you have been waiting for

Maintain a positive and healthy attitude towards love

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#8: Effective Speaking & Communication
NLP Subliminal CD

To be a success in any field, communication is crucial.

You can have all the confidence and knowledge in the world, but if you are unable to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively to those who matter, then you’ll find that success will remain out of your reach.

The world’s most successful and charismatic leaders (regardless of their fields) all have one common trait; they are effective communicators who have the ability to captivate their audience and rally support simply by communicating their thoughts and ideals.

While it takes years to perfect the art of communication, discover the science that will have you leaving an unforgettable impression with your eloquence and flair for communication in mere weeks with regular use.

“Effective Speaking & Communication” has been encoded with positive subliminal messages that will fully unlock the part of your brain responsible for communication, giving you the tools necessary for success in any endeavor.

With “Effective Speaking & Communication”, you can:

Subliminally boost your self-confidence in your speaking capabilities

Exert control over your mind and destiny

Eliminate your fear of stage fright

Boost your mental performance

Develop your communication skills to achieve levels of acceptance, rapport, persuasion, and influence

Stop any habit or attempt to procrastinate

Score maximum points at interviews or networking sessions

Relax your mind and keep it focused for speeches or presentations

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#9: Boost Your Social Skills
NLP Subliminal CD

Do you find yourself becoming nervous at the thought of making new friends?

Do people think you're anti-social because you're embarrassed to even approach them for a conversation?

Do you feel lonely because you hardly have any friends?

Well, if you've answered yes to the above, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone.

There are quite easily thousands of people out there who have trouble making new friends, who think they have awkward social skills that are detrimental to their socializing efforts.

The truth is, there is a Social Superstar in every one of us. All you need to do is to awaken the frontal lobe of your brain, which is the part responsible for social skills, amongst others.

"Boost Your Social Skills" will dramatically enhance your innate ability to tap into your long dormant Social Superstar!

With "Boost Your Social Skills", you can:

Accelerate your mental preparedness for social gatherings and functions

Impress and woo others with your excellent social skills

Learn to be aware of the social and dining entiquettes

Develop an attraction aura that attracts people like bees to honey to you

Eliminate fear of meeting people

Increase your persuasion skills to get what you want when talking to others

Accelerate your focus, drive and determination abilities

Attract positive relationships

Grow your network and achieve success through it

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.



#10: Restful Revitalizing Sleep
NLP Subliminal CD

You’re home after a long day at the office.

You’re exhausted and decide to head to bed, but no matter how much you toss and turn, you still can’t get to sleep because your brain is still wired from the day.

Finally, you drift off to sleep.

But mere hours pass, perhaps less than the full seven hours you intended to sleep for, and you get out of bed feeling just as exhausted as you did when you went to bed.

What’s worse; you’ve had to put up with the problem for ages now.

Well, worry no more!

The subliminal messages encoded into the “Restful Revitalizing Sleep” audio are designed to induce a state of calm and relaxation so that your brain can finally wind down and allow you a restful night’s sleep.

Wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized and ready for a brand new day, every single day!

With “Restful Revitalizing Sleep”, you can:

Subliminally program yourself into a peak state of motivation

Learn all the techniques of maximizing your sleep

Improve your breathing techniques

Improve the blood circulation within your body to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to your cells

Relax your entire body so as to achieve maximum rest and peak recovery

Wake up fresh and radiant every morning

Perk up your level of concentration during the day

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#11: The Anti-Aging Phenomena
NLP Subliminal CD

Do you feel tired more often than you normally should, despite having slept the recommended number of hours?

Do you find yourself fretting over the number of wrinkles you see in the mirror every morning?

Do you encounter symptoms of old age (such as arthritis and joint pains) even though you're not even in your 40s?

Do you stress over getting older every single day?

Believe it or not, thousands, if not millions of people are worried about growing older.

It's worse when a person grows older than they should. This can happen for a number of reasons; poor diet, stress, environmental factors, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, you can beat aging and even stop it in its tracks!

With "The Anti-Aging Phenomena", you can:

Subliminally program yourself into a peak state of motivation

Free yourself of negative stress, worries, and vexations that tires you out

Boost your energy levels to where it was when you were young

Use the subliminal powers of your mind to revitalize your body

Improve your blood circulation to deliver more nutrients and oxygen that your cells need for healthy rejuvenation

Develop healthy eating habits and sleep cycles

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

#12: Natural Accelerated Healing
NLP Subliminal CD

Did you know that your body’s ability to heal from illness and injuries is greatly dependent on your state of mind?

Have you ever noticed how a positive person diagnosed with a terminal illness is more likely to overcome his illness compared to one who despairs and is full of negativity regarding his condition?

There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that phenomenon.

You see, experts in the medical field have, over the years, discovered that the brain has immense influence over the body with regards to health and vitality.

Every single cell in your body has a direct line of communication with your brain.

Because your brain is the central command center of your body, whatever is being fed to your brain will determine how your body fights back against the harmful cells and viruses attacking the immune system.

If your brain is attuned to negativity in any form, your body is sure to follow, and ultimately it succumbs to the ravages of ill health.

You can hyperaccelerate your natural healing factor with "Natural Accelerated Healing"!

With "Natural Accelerated Healing", you can:

Subliminally program yourself into a peak state of motivation

Restore and maximize your body's natural healing capabilities

Program your subconscious mind to accelerate the body's healing speed

Improve your blood circulation and breathing for healthy cells

Increase your energy level

Improve your immune system

Fill your mind with positive thoughts to aid recovery

How To Use This Audio
Load it up into your favorite audio player, then sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing music as it subliminally reprograms your mind to achieve the desired state. It is recommended that you listen to the audio through headphones for maximum effectiveness.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System

And that’s not all.

If you order now, I’ll include this limited time bonus!

The Power Within
Create Your Own Destiny With
Subconscious Programming

Many scientific studies have proven that pessimism is a life-threatening disease.

In addition to interfering with our immune system, it can also have a devastating effect on every aspect of our lives: our relationships with others, our career, and our capacity to grow and succeed as an individual.

Everything rests on how we think, act, and believe. A positive attitude is essential for the mind, body and spirit. A positive attitude breeds confidence without egotism.

With the realization of your own potential and confidence in your own ability, it will never be impossible for you to get whatever you desire.

"The Power Within" has been created to help you achieve anything that your mind can conceive, and allow you to enjoy lifetime benefits.

Here’s a brief look into what you can expect from this amazing guide:

Think you’re not meant for success? Think again! Everyone has within them an unlimited potential for success. Learn how you can discover yours using this shockingly simple technique

You’ve been told all your life that success only comes with struggle and hard work. This is a complete lie! You can achieve everything you’ve ever desired in life without having to struggle for years... but only if you apply this one crucial element into your daily life

Do you struggle with finding success in both your personal and professional relationships? Here are the 3 simple steps you need to take to easily attract success in both your personal and professional lives

Learn to effectively become more productive in whatever you do (if you’ve always found yourself struggling with time, you’ll love this time-saving secret!)

Approximately 85% of success seekers fail to accomplish what they set out to do because they don’t have this vital trait in them. Discover this essential trait, and how you can cultivate it for massive success!

The number one reason why you MUST monitor your thoughts as you progress through your days (this is crucial if you want to take charge of your destiny)

Did you know you have the power within you to force the Universe to conspire with your deepest desires? Check out this amazing trick to magically manifest your dreams into reality!

The one specific trait that all successful men and women possess. Find out if you have this essential trait (and what you MUST do if you don’t)

Are you aware of the fact that you’ve been setting yourself up for failure your entire life? Find out how to identify the various self-sabotaging traits and immediately put a stop to them!

Your subconscious mind is responsible for every single aspect of your life. From determining the state of your health, to influencing your chances for success, the subconscious mind holds the true power to your ultimate destiny. Learn how you can take full advantage of your subconscious mind to predetermine your own destiny!

The little-known secret to completely eliminating negative programming from your subconscious mind (I’ll show you the essential tools you’ll need to overcome the negativity in your life and radiate and receive nothing but positive energy for a destiny of success)

Check out this amazing yet ridiculously simple visualization technique that grants you the ability to accomplish everything you could possibly imagine!

And a whole lot more!

Now you’re probably wondering:

I’m going to be honest with you.

These audios are nothing new. In fact I’ve been selling them (and a huge collection of other subliminal technology audios) over on, which is my best-selling “one stop shop” for all of your self-improvement needs.

And if you head on to the site, you’ll see that each audio CD sells for $17.95, and each MP3 sells for $9.95.

Which would mean that all the 12 audios within this package would cost $215.40 in CD format, or $119.40 in MP3 format!

That’s not even inclusive of the shipping cost for the CDs.

You’ll be glad to know that the Mind Verge system will NOT cost you an arm or a leg.

If you know me well enough by now, I’m all about helping you help yourself.

There’s no point in me telling you the solution for all your life’s troubles is right here but not make it affordable for you.

Which is why, for the next 100 17 action-takers, I’m offering all 12 audios (plus the amazing guide “The Power Within”) for a mere, one-time payment of $97 $77 $47.

Only for the next 100 17 action-takers...
Regular Price $97 $77 Today $47

That’s less than $4 per subliminal audio!

In fact, you won’t even have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for delivery; once you’ve made your investment in this amazing system, you’ll have instant access to all 12 subliminal audios and “The Power Within” manual in the form of pure digital downloads!

However, do note that the special introductory offer price of $47 is only open to the next 100 17 action-takers.

Once the next 100 17 orders have been filled, this $47 offer will no longer be available.

It’s my way of rewarding those who are keen on helping themselves and having the courage to take the first step toward success.

Trust me, I get that a lot.

I get that you’re hesitant about taking the next step necessary for your personal development, and it’s understandable because it’s going to be such a life-changing experience for you.

Here’s what I’ll do for you: I’ll bear ALL the risks of your investment for you.

I’m offering the entire Mind Verge system with a 60-Day, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you’re not satisfied with the effectiveness of this life-changing system, then simply contact me within 60 days of your investment. And I’ll refund you every single penny you’ve invested in the Mind Verge system, no questions asked.

If you know me from previous dealings you would know that I simply do not accept anything short of complete satisfaction from my students and fellow self-help enthusiasts, so if this system can’t change your life then I don’t deserve a penny from you.

Now you need to decide if achieving success is important enough for you to take action.

You're just minutes away from having in your hands a revolutionary technology that has the power to unleash your infinite potential and completely transform your life.

You deserve to live a life of success no matter what anyone has said to you.

You have the innate ability to achieve everything you've ever desired in life, but you have yet to awaken this ability and unleash its massive potential.

The Mind Verge system will grant you this incredible ability, so why wait?

Reserve your copy of the Mind Verge system and achieve your deepest desires right now!

YES , Give It To Me Now!

I Want To Transform My Life Today

  • I understand I'll be instantly downloading the whole "Mind Verge" system for the special trial offer price of just $97, $77, $47.

  • On top of that, I also understand that my investment is protected by your 100% 60-Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Regular Price $97 Today $47

(I reserve the right to end this offer at anytime without warning.)


Wishing You The Success You Rightfully Deserve,

Creator of the “Mind Verge” system

P.S. Experience infinite possibilities when you unleash your mind's incredible potential. There is nothing you cannot achieve in this lifetime once you have total control over your infinite potential... so why wait? Reserve your copy of the Mind Verge system today!

P.P.S. Your investment is backed by my No Questions Asked, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee, so you don’t have to worry if you think the “Mind Verge” system isn’t for you. If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with the “Mind Verge” system, simply contact me within 60 days of your investment, and I’ll return every single penny of your investment.

P.P.P.S. Keep in mind that I’m offering the “Mind Verge” system at the special introductory price of just $47 only to the first 100 17 quick action-takers. It’s my way of rewarding those who want to help themselves, and I will be raising the price to its original retail price of $97 once the 17 slots are filled. So be a sensible action-taker and reserve your copy now.

Click Here To Download
The Mind Verge System


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